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Research News

TPL2 kinase is a suppressor of lung carcinogenesis

The Eliopoulos lab in collaboration with the Liloglou team at the University of Liverpool uncovered a novel function of the TPL2 kinase as suppressor of lung carcinogenesis. By combining genomic analyses of human tumors with cell and animal model systems,Gkirtzimanaki, Gkouskou et al report the operation of multiple genetic and epigenetic mechanisms which lead to loss of TPL2 expression in lung tumors and link TPL2 to key pathways regulating the apoptosis barrier to cancer.

Reduced dosage of ERF causes complex craniosynostosis in humans and mice and links ERK1/2 signaling to regulation of osteogenesis

The team of Prof. Mavrothalassitis in collaboration with the Wilkie lab combining human genetics and animal model systems, identified the genetic basis of a newly recognized clinical disorder, ERF-related craniosynostosis. Twigg et al reveal that ERF haploinsufficiency causes multiple-suture synostosis, craniofacial dysmorphism, Chiari malformation and language delay.

bHLH-O proteins are crucial for Drosophila neuroblast self-renewal and mediate Notch-induced overproliferation

Work from IMBB has uncovered a role for bHLH-O (a.k.a. Hes) proteins Dpn and E(spl) in neural stem cell maintenance in Drosophila. By exerting an anti-differentiation activity they ensure long-term proliferation, which is needed to produce the myriad of neural cells. However, aberrant cell signalling that leads to bHLH-O overexpression can cause pathological over-proliferation of neural stem cells. Zacharioudaki et al, Development 2012.