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    Date Title Location Organizers Ecolab Participation
    15-19 June 2014 62nd ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics Baltimore (MD), USA  American Society for Mass Spectrometry A. Tsirigotaki
    14-15 June 2014 62nd ASMS Short courses Baltimore (MD), USA American Society for Mass Spectrometry A. Tsirigotaki
    09-13 March 2014 Gordon Research conference on mechanisms of protein translocation Hotel Galvez, Galveston, Texas M.Hegde and A.Kuhn Tassos Economou (invited speaker)
    23-27 June 2013 7th International Conference on Gram-positive Microorganisms Palazzo dei Congressi, Montecatini TermeTuscany, Italy Marta Perego Tassos Economou (invited plenary speaker)
    17-22 May 2013 EMBO conference on The Biology of Molecular Chaperones: From molecules, organelles and cells to misfolding diseases Sardinia Helen Saibil and Johannes Buchner  











    Date Title Location Organizers Ecolab Participation
    Date Title Location Organizers EcoLab participation
    15-19 June 2014 62nd ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics Baltimore (MD), USA American Society for Mass Spectrometry A. Tsirigotaki
    14-15 June 2014 62nd ASMS Short courses Baltimore (MD), USA American Society for Mass Spectrometry A. Tsirigotaki
    09-13 March 2014 Gordon Research conference on mechanisms of protein translocation Hotel Galvez, Galveston, Texas M.Hegde and A.Kuhn Tassos Economou (invited speaker)
    23-27 June 2013 7th International Conference on Gram-positive Microorganisms Palazzo dei Congressi, Montecatini Terme
    Tuscany, Italy
    Marta Perego Tassos Economou (invited plenary speaker)
    17-22 May 2013 EMBO conference on The Biology of Molecular Chaperones: From molecules, organelles and cells to misfolding diseases Sardinia Helen Saibil and Johannes Buchner Katerina Chatzi (poster)
    13-17 Apr 2013 EMBO conference on Protein transport Dubrovnik, Croatia N.Borgese and P. Rehling Tassos Economou (speaker)
    Katerina Chatzi, Athina Portaliou (poster)
    04-05 Dec 2012 ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΤΟΣ ΙΙ University of Crete,
    Vassilika Vouton
    University of Crete Marios Sardis (poster) Katerina Chatzi (poster)
    12-16 Nov 2012 Course on Biomolecular Interactions Analysis 2012,framework of
    the Instruct Centre Training Course 2012-13 series
    Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular (IBMC), Porto, Portugal Frederico Silva, Paula Sampaio Athina Portaliou
    09-11 Nov 2012 63ο Συνέδριο Ελληνικής εταιρείας Βιοχημείας & Μοριακής Βιολογίας Ηράκλειο, Κρήτη   Tassos Economou (organizing committee)
    24-28 Sep 2012 Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry Course Utrecht University, Faculty of Science, Netherlands Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics Group, Prof. dr. A.J.R. Heck Alexandra Tsirigotaki
    9-14 Sep 2012 Sofia School of Protein Science: Structure and Dynamics of Biological Macromolecules Institute of Molecular Biology Roumen Tsanev, Sofia, Bulgaria Andrey Karshikoff, Genoveva Nacheva, Rudolf Ladenstein, Josef Van Beeumen Marios Sardis (poster/oral presentation)
    2-6 Sep 2012 Computational Tools: Modelling Multi-molecular Assemblies and Protein Design Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel Prof. Gideon Schreiber Marios Sardis
    27-28 Apr 2012 8o Συνέδριο Βιολόγων Κύπρου Πάφος, Κύπρος Σύνδεσμος Βιολόγων (ΟΕΛΜΕΚ) ΚΥΠΡΟΥ Tassos Economou (speaker)
    23-24 Apr 2012 2nd Greek Orbitrap Users Meeting Ηράκλειο, Κρήτη Tassos Economou Tassos Economou (organizer)
    19-21 March 2012 Workshop on Production and characterization of macromolecular complexes IGBMC, Strasburg Arnaud Poterszman,
    Bertrand Séraphin
    Athina Portaliou
    Nikos Famelis
    11-16 March 2012 Protein Transport Across Cell Membranes Hotel Galvez
    Galveston, TX
    Gordon Research Conferences Tassos Economou (discussion leader/speaker)
    14-18 Nov 2011 EMBO Practical Course: Computational structural biology - from data to structure to function EMBL-EBI, Hinxton, Nr Cambridge, CB10 1SD, UK James Watson, Rosemary Wilson, Gerard Kleywegt, Victor Lamzin, Christine Orengo, Gert Vriend Marios Sardis
    26-30 Sept 2011
    (FEBS course)
    Introduction into Systems Biology: Basics of Proteomics, Bioinformatics, Biostatistics
    & Integration of Data Generated by these Fields

    Sophia Kossida,
    Marc Baumann, Teresa Attwood, Antonia Vlahou, Spiros Garbis

    Georgia Orfanoudaki
    Marios Sardis
    Katerina Chatzi
    19-23 Sept 2011 Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry Course Utrecht University, Netherlands Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics Group, Prof. dr. Albert J. R. Heck Athina Portaliou
    11-12 July 2011 SIB Bioinformatics Workshop:"Introduction to the Analysis and Visualization of Biological Netwoeks with Cytoscape" Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Lausanne, Switzerland Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Vassilios Ioannidis Georgia Orfanoudaki
    25-30 June 2011 FEBS
    Biochemisty for Tomorrow's Medicine
    Torino, Italy Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS)
    Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SIB)
    University of Torino
    Katerina Chatzi
    23-25 June 2011 11th Young Scientist Forum Torino, Italy Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS)
    Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SIB)
    University of Torino
    Katerina Chatzi
    Poster presentation
    19-21 May 2011 33o Scientific Conference, Greek Society of Biological Sciences, devoted to the memory of Prof. G.Thireos
    Edessa,Greece A.Lazou Tassos Economou (speaker)
    16-20 April 2011 EMBO Conference Series on protein transport systems:
    Subtitle: structures, mechanisms, and medical aspects

    Santa Margherita di Pula, Sardegna, Italy


    R.Zimmermann and N.Borgese

    Tassos Economou

    (speaker), Lily Karamanou, Marios Sardis, Katerina Chatzi (posters)

    14-19 Nov 2010 ESF-EMBO Symposium, Molecular Perspectives on Protein-Protein Interactions
    Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain Chaired by: Dr. Jacob Piehler, Co-Chairs: Gideon Schreiber, Colin Kleanthous
    Georgios Gouridis (speaker)
    24-25 Sep 2010

    5th Conference of the Hellenic Crystallographic Association


    University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece D. Leonidas,
    G. Kontopidis,
    M. Kontou,
    G. Papadopoulos and V.T.Skamnaki

    Tassos Economou


    1-17Sep 2010 FEBS Advanced Lecture Course Analysis and Engineering of Biomolecular Systems Korgialenios School, Spetsai, Greece   M.Sardis (poster), K.Chatzi (poster)
    26/06-1/07 2010

    35th FEBS congress


    Göteborg, Sweden

    S. Hohmann and W. Eskild

    Katerina Chatzi (poster presenter)

    23-27 May 2010

    58 th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and
    Allied Topics


    Salt Lake City, Utah American Society of Mass Spectrometry

    Balabanidou, Karamanou, Sardis, Economou


    7-12 March 2010

    Protein Transport Across Cell Membranes GRC-sponsored


    Hotel Galvez,
    Galveston, TX
    R.Gilmore and T.Economou

    Tassos Economou

    (chairperson), Giorgos Gouridis (speaker)

    01-04-2009 3d Hellenic Proteomics
    Society meeting
    home report
    Nafplio T.Vlahou

    Tassos Economou


    03-03-2009 Proteomics Data Analysis network final meeting and HUPO Brain Proteomics workshop Orthodox Academy of Crete, Kolymbari  

    Tassos Economou



    EMBO meeting on
    “Protein Transport”

    Saint-Maxime, France T.Pugsley and R.Zimmermann





    33d FEBS congress


    Athens, Greece Frangoulis, A.& Sekeris, K.

    Tassos Economou



    Society for General Microbiology meeting on protein targetting


    Edinburgh, Scotland T.Palmer/F.Sargent

    Tassos Economou



    4th International Greek Biotechnology Forum


    Athens, Greece Bionova

    Tassos Economou


    7/9-12/2007 Greek Society for
    Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Conference
    Athens, Greece   Vassia Bariami, Katerina Chatzi & Marios Sardis (poster presentation)
    02-12-2007 ....omics and Biomedicine conference Larisa, Greece K.Malizos

    Tassos Economou



    J, OpDenKamp

    & T.Pugsley

    Giorgos Gouridis

    (poster presentation)


    Gordon Conference on “Protein trafficking”


    Italy J.Soll & C.Kohler

    Tassos Economou

    (Speaker & Vice- Chair)


    FEBS Advanced Course on "Origin and Evolution of Mitochondria and Chloroplasts”


    Aquafreda di Maratea, Italy J.Soll

    Tassos Economou



    EMBO meeting on
    “Protein Transport”


    Gdansk, Poland T.Pugsley and J.Soll. Tassos Economou


    Giorgos Gouridis (poster presentation)

    Vassileia Balabanidou

    (poster presentation)


    Gordon Conference on “Bacterial cell surfaces”


    New London, NH, USA  A.Diessen & R.Young 

    Tassos Economou

    ( Discussion Leader)

    06-10 May 2006

    ASM-FEMS meeting on: “Bacterial protein trafficking”


    Meeting report

    Fodele Beach Hotel, Crete, Greece T.Pugsley, T.Palmer,
    G.Plano, R.Fernandez, P.Christie and T.Economou

    Tassos Economou


    Sanny Papanikou (poster presentation)

    09-14 June 2005

    Gordon Conference on “Protein trafficking”

    New London, NH, USA  R.Dalbey and H.Bernstein Tassos Economou

    (Discussion Leader)

    10-14 March 2005 FEBS Advanced Course
    on "Origin and Evolution
    of Mitochondria and Chloroplasts”
    Munich, Germany  J. Soll and U.Vothknecht Tassos Economou


    2005 Advanced Lecture Course: “Cellular and Molecular Biology of Membranes”, Corsica France FEBS/EMBO Sanny Papanikou (poster presentation)
    2004 Workshop on Proteomics Athens Greece Foundation for Biomedical Research of the Academy of Athens Sanny Papanikou (poster presentation)
    19-22 Oct 2003 Juan March Foundation Symposium on “Bacterial Protein Secretion” V.deLorenzo and T.Pugsley Madrid, Spain Tassos Economou


    10-13 Oct 2003 Meeting of the Italian Societies of Cell and Developmental Biology, General Microbiology, Genetics, and Molecular Biology Rimini, Italy J.Meldolesi and B.Colonna. Tassos Economou


    27-09-03 Joint EURESCO Conference/FEBS Advanced Course on “Protein Targeting” Spa, Belgium A.Driessen and J.Soll Tassos Economou


    Sanny Papanikou (poster presentation)

    02-09-03 Joint EURESCO Conference/FEBS Advanced Course on “Molecular Chaperones” Tomar, Portugal I. Braakman

    Tassos Economou


    Lily Karamanou (poster presentation)

    14-18 July 2003

    The Onassis Foundation Science Lecture series. The 2003 Lectures in Biology. “Signal peptides and cell traficking”

    Iraklio, Crete , Greece   Eleftheria Vrontou (poster presentation)
    10-04-03 FEBS Advanced Lecture Course on "Origin and Evolution of Mitochondria and Chloroplasts Hvar, Croatia J. Soll and U.Vothknecht

    Tassos Economou


    Feb 04 - Feb 10, 2003 Keystone symposia on:
    “ Membrane Proteins”
    New Mexico , USA   Eleftheria Vrontou (poster presentation)
    2003 “Protein targeting – Euroconference on Protein-Protein Interactions during protein translocation” Spa Belgium Euresco Sanny Papanikou (poster presentation)
    2003 “Origin and Evolution of Mitochondria and Chloroplasts” HVAR Croatia FEBS Sanny Papanikou (poster presentation)
    8-12 July 2002

    The Onassis Foundation Science Lecture series: The 2002 Lectures in Biology. “Cell signalling
    in health and disease”

    Heraklion, Crete  

    Tassos Economou


    Eleftheria Vrontou (poster presentation)

     04-01 EMBO Conference on "Prokaryotes in the Third Millennium" EMBL,Heidelberg, Germany A.Toussaint and D.Holden.

    Tassos Economou


    09-04-02 Netherlands Society for Microbiology Symposium on Microbial membrane Transport Netherlands C.M.J.E. Vandenbroucke-Grauls

    Tassos Economou


    2002 “Frontiers of Cellular Microbiology and Cell Biology: Euroconference
    on Trafficking and
    Signal Transduction”
    San Felieu de Guixols Spain Euresco conference Sanny Papanikou (poster presentation)
    2002 “Molecular Basis of Bacterial Virulence and Survival within infected Hosts and in the Environment” Spetses Greece EMBO/FEBS Sanny Papanikou (poster presentation)
    2002 “Life within Boundaries – Membranes & Compartments in
    Heidelberg Germany 3 rd EMBL PhD Student International Symposium Sanny Papanikou (poster presentation)
    15-12-01 Hellenic Polymer Society, 2001 meeting Iraklio. Crete D.Vlassopoulos

    Tassos Economou


    28.9-3.10.2001 ESF Euroconference on "Protein targeting: Structural and
    mechanistic aspects"
    Acquafreda di Maratea, Italy C.Robinson and A.Driessen.

    Tassos Economou


    Eleftheria Vrontou (poster presentation)

    17-09-01 Membrane transporters
    in lower eucaryotes
    Chania, Crete G.Dialinas

    Tassos Economou


    15-05-01. 1st International Symposium on "Type III protein secretion" Kloster Banz, Germany C.Hueck and M.Hensel

    Tassos Economou


    31.3.-6.4.2001 FEBS Advanced Course on Origin and Evolution of Mitochondria and Chloroplasts: From Prokaryotes to Eukaryotic Organelles: Cellular, Biochemical and Genetical Integration Hvar, Croatia J.Soll

    Tassos Economou


    Eleftheria Vrontou (short talk)

    Sanny Papanikou (poster presentation)

    13.12-15.12.2000 52th Annual meeting
    of the Hellenic Society
    of Biochemistry and Biophysics
    Thessaloniki , Greece  

    Eleftheria Vrontou (poster presentation)

    Catherine Baud

    (Short talk)

    September 5-14, 2000 FEBS-EMBO International Summer School on: ‘'Molecular Mechanisms of Development and Disease' Spetses , Greece   Eleftheria Vrontou (poster presentation)
    18-06-00 IUBMB/FEBS Congress 2000"Beyond the Genome" Birmingham, UK  

    Tassos Economou


    08-06-00 International Symposium on “Membrane Trafficking in Bacteria” Brussels, Belgium J.Anne

    Tassos Economou


    23-21.8.99 Frontiers in Molecular biology, University of Crete Medical School and department of Biology Kolymbari, Crete , Greece


    Eleftheria Vrontou (poster presentation)
    7.6-19.6.99 NATO Advanced study institute co sponsored by FEBS on Protein, Lipid and Membrane traffic|: Pathways and Targeting Cargese-Corsica-France   Eleftheria Vrontou (poster presentation)
    08-12-98 Joint workshop on collaborative Greek-German research projects Tuebingen, Germany  

    Tassos Economou


    25.4-1.5.98 FEBS Advanced Course on Protein Export and Assembly in Bacteria Lunteren, The Netherlands   Eleftheria Vrontou (poster presentation)
    24-03-97 European Cell Biology Organization Symposium Brighton, UK  

    Tassos Economou


    18-09-95 European Science Foundation Symposium on: "Molecular Chaperones" A.Pelaghia, Crete,Greece C.Georgopoulos

    Tassos Economou


    02 -06-95 Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on: "Protein Kinesis" CSHL B.Stillman

    Tassos Economou


    27-06-94 FEBS special meeting on: "Biological Membranes" Helsinki, Finland  

    Tassos Economou



    Date Title Location Organizers Ecolab Participation