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1993 (33 papers)

Anagnou NP, Seuanez H, Modi W, O'Brien SJ, Papamatheakis J, Moschonas NK. (1993) Chromosomal mapping of two members of the Human Glutamate Dehydrogenase (GLUD) gene family to chromosome 10q22.3-q23 and Xp22-q23. Hum Hered. 43:351-356.

Athanassakis-Vassiliadis I, Papamatheakis J, Vassiliadis S. (1993) Specific CSF 1 binding on murine placental trophoblasts and macrophages serves as a link to placental growth. J Recept Res. 13:739-751.

Deloukas P, Dauwerse JG, Moschonas NK, van Ommen GJ, van Loon AP. (1993) Three human glutamate dehydrogenase genes (GLUD1, GLUDP2, and GLUDP3) are located on chromosome 10q, but are not closely physically linked. Genomics. 17:676-681.

Fotinou C, Kokkinidis M, Fritzsch G, Haase W, Michel H, Ghanotakis DF. (1993) Characterization of a Photosystem II core and its three-dimensional crystals. Photosynth Res. 37:41-48.

Goulielmos G, Manifava M, Moschonas NK. (1993) Dinucleotide repeat polymorphism at the GLUDP2 locus. Hum Mol Genet. 2:2202.

Goulielmos G, Angelicheva D, Kapsetaki M, Manifava M, Moschonas NK. (1993) A chromosome 10p11.2 Gt-dinucleotide repeat polymorphism at the GLUDP5 gene locus. Hum Mol Genet. 2:1328.

Hatzidakis G, Katrakili N, Krambovitis E. (1993) Development of a direct and specific enzyme immunoassay for the measurement of oestrone sulfate in bovine milk. J Reprod Fertil. 98:235-240.

Hatzidakis G, Stefanakis A, Krambovitis E. (1993) Comparison of different antibody-conjugate derivatives for the development of a sensitive and specific progesterone assay. J Reprod Fertil. 97:557-561.

Heinrich JC, Tabler M, Louis C. (1993) Attenuation of white gene expression in transgenic Drosophila melanogaster : Possible Role of a catalytic antisense RNA. Dev Genet. 14:258-265.

Homann M, Tzortzakaki S, Rittner K, Sczakiel G, Tabler M. (1993) Incorporation of the catalytic domain of a hammerhead ribozyme into antisense RNA enhances its inhibitory effect on the replication of human immunodeficiency virus type 1. Nucleic Acids Res. 21:2809-2814.

Kafetzopoulos D, Thireos G, Vournakis JN, Bouriotis V. (1993) The Primary Structure Of A Fungal Chitin Deacetylase Reveals Function For Two Bacterial Gene Products. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 90:8005-8008.

Kafetzopoulos D, Martinou A, Bouriotis V. (1993) Bioconversion Of Chitin To Chitosan: Purification And Characterization Of Chitin Deacetylase From Mucor Rouxii. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 90:2564-2568.

Kokkinidis M, Vlassi M, Papanikolaou Y, Kotsifaki D, Kingswell A, Tsernoglou D, Hinz HJ. (1993) Correlation between protein stability and crystal properties of designed ROP variants. Proteins. 16:214-216.

Kritis AA, Ktistaki E, Barda D, Zannis VI, Talianidis I. (1993) An indirect autoregulatory mechanism involved in hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 gene expression. Nucleic Acids Res. 21:5882-5889.

Kouklis PD, Hatzfeld M, Brunkener M, Weber K, Georgatos SD. (1993) In vitro assembly properties of vimentin mutagenised at the beta-site tail motif. J Cell Sci. 106:919-928.

Kouklis PD, Merdes A, Papamarcaki T, Georgatos SD. (1993) Transient arrest of 3T3 cells in mitosis and inhibition of nuclear lamina reassembly around  chromatin induced by an  anti- vimentin antibodies. Eur J Cell Biol. 62:224-236.

Martinou A, Kafetzopoulos D, Bouriotis V. (1993) Isolation Of Chitin Deacetylase From Mucor Rouxii By Immunoaffinity Chromatography. J Chromatogr A. 644:35-41

McCormick MB, Kouklis PD, Syder D, Fuchs E. (1993) The roles of the rod end and the tail in vimentin IF assembly and IF network formation. J Cell Biol. 22:395-407.         

Michaelidis TM, Tzimagiorgis G, Moschonas NK, Papamatheakis J. (1993) The human glutamate dehydrogenase gene family: Gene organization and structural characterization. Genomics. 16:150-160.

Moschonas NK, Goulielmos G, Lubyova B, Manifava M, Deloukas P, Loon AP, Kapsetaki M. (1993) Dinucleotide repeat polymorphism (D10S608) adjacent to the GLUD1 locus. Hum Mol Genet. 2:1981.

Pozidis C, Vlatakis G, Bouriotis V. (1993) Sequence-Specific Dna Affinity Chromatography: Application Of A Group-Specific Adsorbent For The Isolation Of Restriction Endonucleases. J Chromatogr. 630:151-157.

Prosen D, Hatziloukas E, Schaad NW, Panopoulos NJ. (1993) Specific Detection Of Pseudomonas-Syringae Pv Phaseolicola Dna In Bean Seed By Polymerase Chain Reaction-Based Amplification Of A Phaseolotoxin Gene Region. Phytopathology. 83:965-970.

Rina M, Bouriotis V. (1993) Cloning, Purification And Characterization Of The Bsec I Dna Methyltransferase From B. Stearorthermophilus. Gene. 133:91-94.

Savakis C, Doelz R. (1993) Contamination Of Cdna Sequences In Databases. Science. 259:1677-1678.

Sidén-Kiamos I, Favia G, Artiaco D, Saccone G, Furia M, Polito LC, Louis C. (1993) Opa-Like Repeats In The Genome Of The Medfly Ceratitis-Capitata. Genetica. 92:43-53.

Steif C, Weber P, Hinz HJ, Flossdorf J, Cesareni G, Kokkinidis M. (1993) Subunit interactions provide a significant contribution to the stability of the dimeric four-á-helical bundle protein ROP. Biochemistry. 32:3867-3876.

Tavernarakis N, Triantafyllaki A, Hatzakis E, Krambovitis E. (1993) Detection of anti-Rev antibodies in human immunodeficiency virus type-1 patients using a recombinant 18kD Rev protein. Serodiagn Immunother Infect Dis. 5: 117-121.

Thanos D, Gregoriou M, Stravopodis D, Liapaki K, Makatounakis T, Papamatheakis J. (1993) The MHC class II E beta promoter: a complex arrangement of positive and negative elements determines B cell and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) regulated expression. Nucleic Acids Res. 21:6010-6019.

Tsiotra PC, Karagogeos D, Theodorakis K, Michaelidis TM, Modi WS, Furley AJ, Jessell TM, Papamatheakis J. (1993) Isolation of the cDNA and chromosomal localization of the gene encoding the human axonal glycoprotein TAG-1. Genomics. 18:562-567.

Tzimagiorgis G, Leversha MA, Chroniary K, Goulielmos G, Sargent CA, Ferguson-Smith M, Moschonas NK. (1993) Structure and expression analysis of a member of the human glutamate dehydrogenase (GLUD) gene family mapped to chromosome 10p11.2. Hum Genet. 91:433-438.

Vassiliadis S, Kyrpides N, Stravopodis D, Grigoriou M, Athanassakis I, Papamatheakis J. (1993) Investigation of intracellular signals generated by gamma-interferon and IL-4 leading to the induction of class II antigen expression. Mediators Inflamm. 2:343-348.

Vassiliadis S, Stravopodis D, Kyrpides N, Grigoriou M, Papamatheakis J. (1993) One and two-level regulation patterns affecting NF-kappa B mRNA and nuclear NF-kappa B activity after treatment with TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma and IL-4. Eur Cytokine Netw. 4:25-30.

Vlassi M, Brueckner H, Kokkinidis M. (1993) Peptides with built-in conformational constraints: The crystal structure of Z-(Aib) 7 -O(t)Bu. Acta Cryst. 49:560-564.