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2006 (59 papers)

Acar M, Jafar-Nejad H, Giagtzoglou N, Yallampalli S, David G, He Y, Delidakis C, Bellen HJ. (2006) Senseless physically interacts with proneural proteins and functions as a transcriptional co-activator. Development. 133:1979-1989.

Apostolakis S, Papadakis EG, Krambovitis E, Spandidos DA. (2006) Chemokines in vascular pathology (Review). Int J Mol Med. 17:691-701.

Artal-Sanz M, de Jong L, Tavernarakis N. (2006) Caenorhabditis elegans: a versatile platform for drug discovery. Biotechnol J. 1:1405-1418.

Artal-Sanz M, Samara C, Syntichaki P, Tavernarakis N. (2006) Lysosomal biogenesis and function is critical for necrotic cell death in Caenorhabditis elegans. J Cell Biol. 173:231–239.
[Abstract] See the relevant news item in JCB: Spill and kill

Ayerdi-Izquierdo A, Stavrides G, Sellés-Martínez JJ, Larrea L, Bovo G, López de Munain A, Bisulli F, Martí-Massó JF, Michelucci R, Poza JJ, Tinuper P, Stephani U, Striano P, Striano S, Staub E, Sarafidou T, Hinzmann B, Moschonas N, Siebert R, Deloukas P, Nobile C, Pérez-Tur J. (2006) Genetic analysis of the LGI/Epitempin gene family in sporadic and familial lateral temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy Res. 70:118-126.

Brogna S, Bourtzis K, Gomulski LM, Denaxa M, Babaratsas A, Gasperi G, Savakis C. (2006) Genomic organization and functional characterization of the alcohol dehydrogenase locus of Ceratitis capitata (Medfly). Insect Mol Biol. 15:259-268.

Broman MT1, Kouklis P, Gao X, Ramchandran R, Neamu RF, Minshall RD, Malik AB. (2006) Cdc42 regulates adherens junction stability and endothelial permeability by inducing alpha-catenin interaction with the vascular endothelial cadherin complex. Circ Res. 98:73-80.

Copf T, Rabet N, Averof M. (2006) Knockdown of spalt function by RNAi causes de-repression of Hox genes and homeotic transformations in the crustacean Artemia franciscana. Dev Biol. 298:87-94.

de Marcos-Lousa C, P Sideris D, Tokatlidis K. (2006) Translocation of mitochondrial inner-membrane proteins: conformation matters. Trends Biochem Sci. 31:259-267.

Dialynas GK, Makatsori D, Kourmouli N, Theodoropoulos PA, McLean K, Terjung S, Singh PB, Georgatos SD. (2006) Methylation-independent binding to histone H3 and cell cycle-dependent incorporation of HP1beta into heterochromatin. J Biol Chem. 281:14350-14360.
Drakakis TS, Papadakis G, Sambani K, Filippidis G, Georgiou S, Gizeli E , Fotakis C, Farsari M. (2006) Construction of three-dimensional biomolecule structures employing femtosecond lasers. Appl Phys Lett. 89:144108.

Economou A, Christie PJ, Fernandez RC, Palmer T, Plano GV, Pugsley AP. (2006) Secretion by numbers: protein traffic in prokaryotes. Mol Microbiol. 62:308-319.

Fadouloglou VE, Kotsifaki D, Gazi AD, Fellas G, Meramveliotaki C, Deli A, Psylinakis E, Bouriotis V, Kokkinidis M. (2006) Purification, crystallization and preliminary characterization of a putative LmbE-like deacetylase from Bacillus cereus. Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun. 62:261-264.

Franch-Marro X, Martin N, Averof M, Casanova J. (2006) Association of tracheal placodes with leg primordia in Drosophila and implications for the origin of insect tracheal systems. Development. 133:785-790.

Gialitakis M, Kretsovali A, Spilianakis C, Kravariti L, Mages J, Hoffmann R, Hatzopoulos AK, Papamatheakis J. (2006) Coordinated changes of histone modifications and HDAC mobilization regulate the induction of MHC class II genes by Trichostatin A. Nucl Acids Res. 34:765-772.

Glittenberg M, Pitsouli C, Garvey C, Delidakis C, Bray S. (2006) Role of conserved intracellular motifs in Serrate signalling, cis-inhibition and endocytosis. EMBO J. 25:4697-4706.

Glykos NM, Papanikolau Y, Vlassi M, Kotsifaki D, Cesareni G, Kokkinidis M. (2006) Loopless rop: structure and dynamics of an engineered homotetrameric variant of the repressor of primer protein. Biochemistry. 45:10905-10919.

Hatzis P, Kyrmizi I, Talianidis I. (2006) Mitogen-activated protein kinase-mediated disruption of enhancer-promoter communication inhibits hepatocyte nuclear factor 4alpha expression. Mol Cell Biol. 26:7017-7029.

Kalantidis K, Tsagris M, Tabler M. (2006) Spontaneous short-range silencing of a GFP transgene in Nicotiana benthamiana is possibly mediated by small quantities of siRNA that do not trigger systemic silencing. Plant J. 45:1006-1016.

Keramisanou D, Biris N, Gelis I, Sianidis G, Karamanou S, Economou A, Kalodimos CG. (2006) Disorder-order folding transitions underlie catalysis in the helicase motor of SecA. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 13:594-602.

Kogkopoulou O, Tzakos E, Mavrothalassitis G, Baldari CT, Paliogianni F, Young HA, Thyphronitis G. (2006) Conditional up-regulation of IL-2 production by p38 MAPK inactivation is mediated by increased Erk1/2 activity. J Leukoc Biol. 79:1052-1060.

Kontarakis Z, Copf T, Averof M. (2006) Expression of hunchback during trunk segmentation in the branchiopod crustacean Artemia franciscana. Dev Genes Evol. 216:89-93.

Koukidou M, Klinakis A, Reboulakis C, Zagoraiou L, Tavernarakis N, Livadaras I, Economopoulos E. and Savakis C. (2006) Germ line transformation of the olive fly Bactrocera oleae using a universal transgenesis marker. Insect Mol Biol. 15:95-103.

Koukou K, Pavlikaki H, Kilias G, Werren JH, Bourtzis K, Alahiotisi SN. (2006) Influence of antibiotic treatment and Wolbachia curing on sexual isolation among Drosophila melanogaster cage populations. Evolution. 60:87-96.

Krambovitis E, Spandidos DA. (2006) HIV-1 infection: Is it time to reconsider our concepts? Int J Mol Med. 18:3-8.

Kyrmizi I, Hatzis P, Katrakili N, Tronche F, Gonzalez FJ, Talianidis I. (2006) Plasticity and expanding complexity of the hepatic transcription factor network during liver development. Genes Dev. 20:2293-2305.

Liang ZX, Tsigos I, Bouriotis V, Klinman JP. (2006) Impact of protein flexibility on hydride-transfer parameters in thermophilic and psychrophilic alcohol dehydrogenases. J Am Chem Soc. 128:3467.

Liolios K, Tavernarakis N, Hugenholtz P, Kyrpides NC. (2006) The Genomes On Line Database (GOLD) v.2: a monitor of Genome Projects world-wide. Nucleic Acids Res. 34: D332-334.

Li Y, Hernandez-Martinez S, Fernandez F, Mayoral JG, Topalis P, Priestap H, Perez M, Navare A, Noriega FG. (2006) Biochemical, molecular, and functional characterization of PISCF-allatostatin, a regulator of juvenile hormone biosynthesis in the mosquito Aedes aegypti. J Biol Chem. 281:34048-34055.

Lochnit G, Grabitzki J, Henkel B, Tavernarakis N, Geyer R. (2006) First identification of a phosphorylcholine-substituted protein from Caenorhabditis elegans: isolation and characterization of the aspartyl protease ASP-6. Biol Chem. 387:1487-1493.

Lycett GJ, Mclaughlin LA, Ranson H, Hemingway J, Kafatos FC, Loukeris TG, Paine MJ. (2006) Anopheles gambiae P450 reductase is highly expressed in oenocytes and in vivo knockdown increases permethrin susceptibility. Insect Mol Biol. 15:321-327.

McLaughlin D, Vidaki M, Renieri E, Karagogeos D. (2006) Expression pattern of the maternally imprinted gene Gtl2 in the forebrain during embryonic development and adulthood. Gene Expr Patterns. 6:394-399.

Megraw M, Baev V, Rusinov V, Jensen ST, Kalantidis K, Hatzigeorgiou AG. (2006) MicroRNA promoter element discovery in Arabidopsis. RNA. 12:1612-1619.

Moita LF, Vriend G, Mahairaki V, Louis C, Kafatos FC. (2006) Integrins of Anopheles gambiae and a putative role of a new beta integrin, BINT2, in phagocytosis of E-coli. Insect Biochem Mol Biol. 36:282-290.

Muller SA, Pozidis C, Stone R, Meesters C, Chami M, Engel A, Economou A, Stahlberg H. (2006) Double hexameric ring assembly of the type III protein translocase ATPase HrcN. Mol Microbiol. 61:119-125.

Nikolaidou-Neokosmidou V, Zannis VI, Kardassis D. (2006) Inhibition of hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 transcriptional activity by the nuclear factor kappaB pathway. Biochem J. 398:439-450.

Orrington-Myers J, Gao X, Kouklis P, Broman M, Rahman A, Vogel SM, Malik AB. (2006) Regulation of Lung Neutrophil Recruitment by VE-cadherin. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol.  291:L764-L771.

Pace T, Olivieri A, Sanchez M, Albanesi V, Picci L, Siden Kiamos I, Janse CJ, Waters AP, Pizzi E, Ponzi M. (2006) Set regulation in asexual and sexual Plasmodium parasites reveals a novel mechanism of stage-specific expression. Mol Microbiol. 60:870-882.

Papadimitraki ED, Choulaki C, Koutala E, Bertsias G, Tsatsanis C, Gergianaki I, Raptopoulou A, Kritikos HD, Mamalaki C, Sidiropoulos P, Boumpas DT. (2006) Expansion of toll-like receptor 9-expressing B cells in active systemic lupus erythematosus: implications for the induction and maintenance of the autoimmune process. Arthritis Rheum. 54:3601-3611.

Paraskevopoulos C, Bordenstein SR, Wernegreen JJ, Werren JH, Bourtzis K. (2006) Toward a Wolbachia multilocus sequence typing system: discrimination of Wolbachia strains present in Drosophila species. Curr Microbiol. 53:388-395.

Parmakelis A, Stathi I, Chatzaki M, Simaiakis S, Spanos L, Louis C, Mylonas M. (2006) Evolution of Mesobuthus gibbosus (Brulle, 1832) (Scorpiones: Buthidae) in the northeastern Mediterranean region. Mol Ecol. 15:2883-2894.

Parmakelis A, Stathi I, Spanos L, Louis C, Mylonas M. (2006) Phylogeography of Iurus dufoureius (Brulle, 1832) (Scorpiones, Iuridae). J Biogeogr. 33:251-260.

Pavlidis P, Poirazi P. (2006) Individualized markers optimize class prediction of microarray data. BMC Bioinformatics. 7:345.

Polychronopoulos S, Verykokakis M, Yazicioglu MN, Sakarellos-Daitsiotis M, Cobb MH, Mavrothalassitis G. (2006) The transcriptional ETS2 repressor factor associates with active and inactive Erks through distinct FXF motifs. J Biol Chem. 281:25601-25611.

Pyrpassopoulos S, Vlassi M, Tsortos A, Papanikolau Y, Petratos K, Vorgias CE, Nounesis G. (2006) Equilibrium heat-induced denaturation of chitinase 40 from Streptomyces thermoviolaceus. Proteins. 64:513-523.

Rizos AK, Tsikalas I, Morikis D, Galanakis P, Spyroulias GA, Krambovitis E. (2006) Characterization of the interaction between peptides derived from the gp 120/V3 domain of HIV-1 and the amino terminal of the chemokine receptor CCR5 by NMR spectroscopy and light scattering. J non-Cryst Solids. 352:42-49.

Sianidis G, Pozidis C, Becker F, Vrancken K, Sjoeholm C, Karamanou S, Takamiya-Wik M, van Mellaert L, Schaefer T, Anne J, Economou A. (2006) Functional large-scale production of a novel Jonesia sp xyloglucanase by heterologous secretion from Streptomyces lividans. J Biotechnol. 121:498-507.

Sianidis G, Wohlert SE, Pozidis C, Karamanou S, Luzhetskyy A, Vente A, Economou A. (2006) Cloning, purification and characterization of a functional anthracycline glycosyltransferase. J Biotechnol. 125:425-433.

Siden-Kiamos I, Pinder JC, Louis C. (2006) Involvement of actin and myosins in Plasmodium berghei ookinete motility. Mol Biochem Parasitol. 150:308-317.

Siden-Kiamos I, Ecker A, Nyback S, Louis C, Sinden RE, Billker O. (2006) Plasmodium berghei calcium-dependent protein kinase 3 is required for ookinete gliding motility and mosquito midgut invasion. Mol Microbiol. 60:1355-1363.
[Abstract] See comment by Motta

Sidiropoulou K , Pissadaki EK , Poirazi P. (2006) Inside the brain of a neuron. EMBO Rep. 7:886-892.

Strigini M, Cantera R, Morin X, Bastiani MJ, Bate M, Karagogeos D. (2006) The IgLON protein Lachesin is required for the blood-brain barrier in Drosophila. Mol Cell Neurosci. 32:91-101.

Syntichaki P, Tavernarakis N. (2006) Signaling pathways regulating protein synthesis during ageing. Exp Gerontol. 41:1020-1025.

Touloupakis E, Gessmann R, Kavelaki K, Christofakis E, Petratos K, Ghanotakis DF. (2006) Isolation, characterization, sequencing and crystal structure of charybdin, a type 1 ribosome-inactivating protein from Charybdis maritima agg. FEBS J. 273 :2684-2692.

Tournier B, Tabler M, Kalantidis K. (2006) Phloem flow strongly influences the systemic spread of silencing in GFP Nicotiana benthamiana plants. Plant J. 47:383-394.

Tsiknakis M, Kafetzopoulos D, Potamias G, Analyti A, Marias K, Manganas A. (2006) Building a European biomedical grid on cancer: the ACGT Integrated Project. Stud Health Technol Inform. 120:247-258.

Vasiliadou IA, Siozios S, Papadas IT, Bourtzis K, Pavlou S, Vayenas DV. (2006) Kinetics of pure cultures of hydrogen-oxidizing denitrifying bacteria and modeling of the interactions among them in mixed cultures. Biotechnol Bioeng. 95:513-525.

Vlata Z, Porichis F, Tzanakakis G, Tsatsakis A, Krambovitis E. (2006) A study of zearalenone cytotoxicity on human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Toxicol Lett. 165:274-281.

Voglis G, Tavernarakis N. (2006) The role of synaptic ion channels in synaptic plasticity. EMBO Rep. 7:1104–1110.