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1987 (5 papers)

Bouriotis V, Zafeiropoulos A, Clonis YD. (1987) High-Performance Liquid Chromatography For The Purification Of Restriction Endonucleases, Application To BanIi, SacI And SphI. Anal Biochem. 160:127-134.

Delidakis C, Kafatos FC. (1987) Amplification of a chorion gene cluster in Drosophila is subject to multiple cis-regulatory elements and to long-range position effects. J Mol Biol. 197:11-26.

Hatzopoulos P, Monastirioti M, Yannopoulos G, Louis C. (1987) The instability of the TE-like mutation Dp(2;2)GYL of Drosophila melanogaster is intimately associated with the hobo element. EMBO J. 6:3091-3096.

Vlatakis G, Skarpelis G, Stratidaki I, Bouriotis V, Clonis YD. (1987) Dye-Ligand Chromatography For The Resolution And Purification Of Restriction Endonucleases. Appl Biochem Biotechnol. 15:201-212.

Yannopoulos G, Stamatis N, Monastirioti M, Hatzopoulos P, Louis C. (1987) hobo is responsible for the induction of hybrid dysgenesis by strains of Drosophila melanogaster bearing the male recombination factor 23.5 MRF. Cell. 49:487-495.