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2003 (63 papers)

Allen S, Lu H, Thornton D, Tokatlidis K. (2003) Juxtaposition of the two distal “CX3C” motifs via intrachain disulfide bonding is essential for the folding of Tim10. J Biol Chem. 278:38505-38513.

Athanasiou M, Blair DG, Mavrothalassitis G. (2003) ERF, an ETS-related transcriptional repressor, can induce erythroid differentiation. Anticancer Res. 23:2143-2153.

Bergman AM, Pinedo HM, Talianidis I, Veerman G, Loves WJP, van der Wilt CL, Peters GJ. (2003) Increased sensitivity to gemcitabine of P-glycoprotein and multidrug resistance-associated protein-.overexpressing human cancer cell lines. Br J Cancer. 88:1963-1970.

Biris N, Stavrakoudis A, Politou AS, Mikros E, Sakarellos-Daitsiotis M, Sakarellos C, Tsikaris V. (2003) Slow conformational exchange of short linear peptides in DMSO solution: The example of Ac-RGD-NH2. Biopolymers. 69:72-86.

Boutla A, Delidakis C, Tabler M. (2003) Developmental defects by antisense-mediated inactivation of micro-RNAs 2 and 13 in Drosophila and the identification of putative target genes. Nucleic Acids Res. 3:4973-4980.

Caufrier F, Martinou A, Dupont C, Bouriotis V. (2003) Carbohydrate esterase family 4 enzymes: Substrate specificity. Carbohydr Res. 338:687-692.

Csapo Z, Keszler G, Safrany G, Spasokoukotskaja T, Talianidis I, Staub M, Sasvari-Szekely M. (2003) Activation of deoxycytidine kinase by gamma-irradiation and inactivation by hyperosmotic shock in human lymphocytes. Biochem Pharmacol. 65:2031-2039.

Chou Wc, Prokova V, Shiraishi K, Valcourt U, Moustakas A, Hadzopoulou-Cladaras M, Zannis Vi, Kardassis D. (2003) Mechanism of a transcriptional cross talk between transforming growth factor-beta-regulated Smad3 and Smad4 proteins and orphan nuclear receptor hepatocyte nuclear factor-4. Mol Biol Cell. 14:1279-1294.

Clark ME, Veneti Z, Bourtzis K, Karr TL. (2003) Wolbachia distribution and cytoplasmic incompatibility during sperm development: the cyst as the basic cellular unit of CI expression. Mech Dev. 120:185-198.

Copf T, Rabet N, Celniker SE, Averof M. (2003) Posterior patterning genes and the identification of a unique body region in the brine shrimp Artemia franciscana. Development. 130:5915-5927.

Danielli A, Kafatos FC, Loukeris TG. (2003) Cloning and characterisation of four Anopheles gambiae serpin isoforms, differentially induced in the midgut by Plasmodium berghei invasion. J Biol Chem. 278:4184-4193.

Denaxa M, Pavlou O, Tsiotra P, Papadopoulos GC, Liapaki K, Theodorakis K, Papadaki C, Karagogeos D, Papamatheakis J. (2003) The upstream regulatory region of the gene for the human homologue of the adhesion molecule TAG-1 contains elements driving neural specific expression in vivo. Brain Res Mol Brain Res. 118:91-101.

Dessens JT, Siden-Kiamos I, Mendoza J, Mahairaki V, Khater E, Vlachou D, Xu XJ, Kafatos FC, Louis C, Dimopoulos G, Sinden RE. (2003) SOAP, a novel malaria ookinete protein involved in mosquito midgut invasion and oocyst development. Mol Microbiol. 49:319-329.

Doulias PT, Christoforidis S, Brunk UT, Galaris D.  (2003) Endosomal and lysosomal effects of desferrioxamine: protection of HeLa cells from hydrogen peroxide-induced DNA damage and induction of cell-cycle arrest. Free Radic Biol Med. 35:719-728.

Drabek D, Zagoraiou L, Dewit T, Langeveld A, Roumpaki C, Mamalaki C, Savakis C, Grosveld F. (2003) Transposition Of The Drosophila Hydei Minos Transposon In The Mouse Germ Line. Genomics. 81:108-111.

Dyall SD, Agius SC, De Marcos Lousa C, Trezeguet V, Tokatlidis, K. (2003) The dynamic dimerisation of yeast ADP/ATP carrier in the inner membrane is affected by conserved cysteine residues. J Biol Chem. 278:26757-26764.

Gessmann R, Bruckner H, Petratos K. (2003) Three complete turns of a 3(10)-helix at atomic resolution: The crystal structure of Z-(Aib)(11)-OtBu. J Pept Sci. 9:753-762.

Gessmann R, Schiemann N, Bruckner H, Petratos K. (2003) The tetrapeptide Z-Leu-Aib-Pro-Val-OBg monohydrate. Acta Crystallogr C. 59:o413-415.

Giagtzoglou N, Alifragis P, Koumbanakis Ka, Delidakis C. (2003) Two modes of recruitment of E(spl) repressors onto target genes. Development. 130:259-270.

Glykos Nm, Kokkinidis M. (2003) Structure determination of a small protein through a 23-dimensional molecular-replacement search. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr. 59:709-718.

Gozmanova M, Denti MA, Minkov IN, Tsagris M, Tabler M. (2003) Characterization of the RNA motif responsible for the specific interaction of potato spindle tuber viroid RNA (PSTVd) and the tomato protein Virp1. Nucleic Acids Res. 31:5534-5543.

Gritzapis Ad, Mamalaki A, Kretsovali A, Papamatheakis J, Belimezi M, Perez Sa, Baxevanis Cn, Papamichail M. (2003) Redirecting Mouse T Hybridoma Against Human Breast And Ovarian Carcinomas: In Vivo Activity Against Her-2/Neu Expressing Cancer Cells. Br J Cancer. 88:1292-1300.

Hatzivassiliou E, Koukos G, Ribeiro A, Zannis V, Kardassis D. (2003) Functional specificity of two hormone response elements present on the human apoA-II promoter that bind retinoid X receptor alpha/thyroid receptor heterodimers for retinoids and thyroids: synergistic interactions between thyroid receptor beta and upstream stimulatory factor 2a. Biochem J. 376:423-431.

Karagogeos D. (2003) Neural GPI-anchored cell adhesion molecules. Front Biosci. 8:s1304-1320.

Karaiskou A, Zergioti I, Fotakis C, Kapsetaki M, Kafetzopoulos D. (2003) Microfabrication of biomaterials by the sub-ps laser-induced forward transfer process. Appl Surf Sci. 208:245-249.

Kardassis D, Roussou A, Papakosta P, Boulias K, Talianidis I, Zannis VI. (2003) Synergism between nuclear receptors bound to specific hormone response elements of the hepatic control region-1 and the proximal apolipoprotein C-II promoter mediate apolipoprotein C-II gene regulation by bile acids and retinoids. Biochem J. 372:291-304.

Katsantoni EZ, Langeveld A, Wai AWK, Drabek D, Grosveld F, Anagnou NP, Strouboulis J. (2003) Persistent gamma-globin expression in adult transgenic mice is mediated by HPFH-2, HPFH-3, and HPFH-6 breakpoint sequences. Blood. 102:3412-3419.

Konstantoulaki M, Kouklis P, Malik AB. (2003) Protein Kinase C modifications of VE-cadherin, p120, and b-catenin contribute to endothelial barrier dysregulation induced by thrombin. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 285:L434-442.

Kosciolek BA, Kalantidis K, Tabler M, Rowley PT. (2003) Inhibition of telomerase activity in human cancer cells by RNA interference. Mol Cancer Ther. 2:209-216.

Kouklis P, Konstantoulaki M, Malik AB (2003) VE-cadherin induced Cdc42 signaling regulates formation of membrane protrusions in endothelial cells.  J Biol Chem. 278:16230-16236.

Loberto N, Prioni S, Prinetti A, Ottico E, Chigorno V, Karagogeos D, Sonnino S. (2003) The adhesion protein TAG-1 has a ganglioside environment in the sphingolipid-enriched membrane domains of neuronal cells in culture. J Neurochem. 85:224-233.

Mamalaki A, Gritzapis AD, Kretsovali A, Belimezi M, Papamatheakis J, Perez SA, Papamichail M, Baxevanis CN. (2003) In vitro and in vivo antitumor activity of a mouse CTL hybridoma expressing chimeric receptors bearing the single chain Fv from HER-2/neu-specific antibody and the gamma-chain from Fc(epsilon)RI. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 52:513-522.

Maniataki E, Tabler M, Tsagris M. (2003) Viroid RNA systemic spread may depend on the interaction of a 71-nucleotide bulged hairpin with the host protein VirP1. RNA. 9:502-502.

Maniataki E, Martinez de Alba AE, Sägesser R, Tabler M, Tsagris M. (2003) Viroid RNA systemic spread may depend on the interaction of a 71-nucleotide bulged hairpin with the host protein VirP1. RNA. 9:346-354.

Martínez de Alba AE, Sägesser R, Tabler M, Tsagris M. (2003) A bromodomain-containing protein from tomato specifically binds potato spindle tuber viroid RNA in vitro and in vivo. J Virol. 77:9685-9694.

Martinou A, Koutsioulis D, Bouriotis V. (2003) Cloning and expression of a chitin deacetylase gene (CDA2) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae in Escherichia coli - Purification and characterization of the cobalt-dependent recombinant enzyme. Enzyme Microb Technol. 32:757-763.

Mavromatis K, Lorito M, Woo SL, Bouriotis V. (2003) Mode of action and antifungal properties of two cold-adapted chitinases. Extremophiles. 7:385-390.

Mavromatis K, Feller G, Kokkinidis M, Bouriotis V. (2003) Cold adaptation of a psychrophilic chitinase: a mutagenesis study. Protein Eng. 16:497-503.

Michelucci R, Poza JJ, … Moschonas NK, … Nobile C. (2003) Autosomal dominant lateral temporal epilepsy: Clinical spectrum, new epitempin mutations, and genetic heterogeneity in seven European families. Epilepsia. 44:1289-1297.

Monastirioti M. (2003) Distinct octopamine cell population residing in the CNS abdominal ganglion controls ovulation in Drosophila melanogaster. Dev Biol. 264:38-49.

Nirgianaki A, Banks GK, Frohlich DR, Veneti Z, Braig HR, Miller TA, Bedford ID, Markham PG, Savakis C, Bourtzis K. (2003) Wolbachia infections of the whitefly Bemisia tabaci. Curr Microbiol. 47:93-101.

Papanikolau Y, Tavlas G, Vorgias Ce, Petratos K. (2003) De novo purification scheme and crystallization conditions yield high-resolution structures of chitinase A and its complex with the inhibitor allosamidin. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr. 59:400-403.

Parmakelis A, Spanos E, Papagiannakis G, Louis C, Mylonas M. (2003) Mitochondrial Dna Phylogeny And Morphological Diversity In The Genus Mastus (Beck, 1837): A Study In A Recent (Holocene) Island Group (Koufonisi, South-East Crete). Biol J  Linn Soc. 78:383-399.

Poirazi P, Brannon T, Mel BW. (2003) Arithmetic of Subthreshold Synaptic Summation in a Model CA1 Pyramidal Cell. Neuron. 37:977-987.

Poirazi P, Brannon T, Mel BW. (2003) Pyramidal Neuron as 2-Layer Neural Network. Neuron. 37:989-999.

Pozidis C, Chalkiadaki A, Gomez-Serrano A, Stahlberg H, Brown I, Tampakaki AP, Lustig A, Sianidis G, Politou AS, Engel A, Panopoulos NJ, Mansfield J, Pugsley AP, Karamanou S, Economou A. (2003) Type III protein translocase - Hrcn is a peripheral membrane ATPase that is activated by oligomerization. J Biol Chem. 278:25816-25824.

Rizos AK, Spandidos DA, Krambovitis E. (2003) Light scattering characterization of synthetic MUC-1 peptides and their behavior in dilute solution. Int J Mol Med. 12:559-563.

Roussomoustakaki M, Koutroubakis I, Vardas Em, Dimoulios P, Kouroumalis Ea, Baritaki S, Koutsoudakis G, Krambovitis E. (2003) Nod2 Insertion Mutation In A Cretan Crohn's Disease Population. Gastroenterology. 124:272-273.

Samara C, Tavernarakis N. (2003) Calcium-dependent and aspartyl proteases in neurodegeneration and ageing in C. elegans. Ageing Res Rev. 2:451-471.

Sauer IM, Zeilinger K, Pless G, Kardassis D, Theruvath T, Pascher A, Goetz M, Neuhaus P, Gerlach JC. (2003) Extracorporeal liver support based on primary human liver cells and albumin dialysis--treatment of a patient with primary graft non-function. J Hepatol. 39:649-653.

Sauer IM, Kardassis D, Zeillinger K, Pascher A, Gruenwald A, Pless G, Irgang M, Kraemer M, Puhl G, Frank J, Müller AR, Steinmüller T, Denner J, Neuhaus P, Gerlach JC. (2003) Clinical extracorporeal hybrid liver support--phase I study with primary porcine liver cells. Xenotransplantation. 10:460-469.

Schwaerzel M, Monastirioti M, Scholz H, Friggi-Grelin F, Birman S, Heisenberg M. (2003) Dopamine and octopamine differentiate between aversive and appetitive olfactory memories in Drosophila. J Neurosci. 23:10495-10502.

Spilianakis C, Kretsovali A, Agalioti T, Makatounakis T, Thanos D, Papamatheakis J. (2003) CIITA regulates transcription onset viaSer5-phosphorylation of RNA pol II. EMBO J. 22:5125-5136.

Spyridaki A, Matzen C, Lanio T, Jeltsch A, Simoncsits A, Athanasiadis A, Scheuring-Vanamee E, Kokkinidis M, Pingoud A. (2003) Structural and biochemical characterization of a new Mg2+ binding site near Tyr94 in the restriction endonuclease PvuII. J Mol Biol. 331:395-406.

Stamou P, de Jersey J, Carmignac D, Mamalaki C, Kioussis D, Stockinger B. (2003) Chronic exposure to low levels of antigen in the periphery causes reversible functional impairment correlating with changes in CD5 levels in monoclonal CD8 T cells. J Immunol. 171:1278-1284.

Syntichaki P, Tavernarakis N. (2003) The biochemistry of neuronal necrosis: Rogue biology? Nat Rev Neurosci. 4:672-684.

Tavernarakis N. (2003) Death by misadventure. New Sci. 2382:30-33.

Topalidou I, Papamichos-Chronakis M, Thireos G. (2003) Post-TATA binding protein recruitment clearance of Gcn5-dependent histone acetylation within promoter nucleosomes. Mol Cell Biol. 23:7809-7817.

Topalidou I, Thireos G. (2003) Gcn4 occupancy of open reading frame regions results in the recruitment of chromatin-modifying complexes but not the mediator complex. EMBO Rep. 4:872-876.

Traka M, Goutebroze L, Denisenko N, Bessa M, Nifli A, Havaki S, Iwakura Y, Fukamauchi F, Watanabe K, Soliven B, Girault JA, Karagogeos D. (2003) Association of TAG-1 with Caspr2 is essential for the molecular organization of juxtaparanodal regions of myelinated fibers. J Cell Biol. 162:1161-1172.

Tzortzakaki E, Spilianakis C, Zika E, Kretsovali A, Papamatheakis J. (2003) Steroid receptor coactivator 1 links the steroid and interferon gamma response pathways. Mol Endocrinol. 17:2509-2518.

Veneti Z, Clark ME, Zabalou S, Karr TL, Savakis C, Bourtzis K. (2003) Cytoplasmic incompatibility and sperm cyst infection in different Drosophila-Wolbachia associations. Genetics. 164:545-552.

Zannis Vi, Liu T, Zanni M, Kan Hy, Kardassis D. (2003) Regulatory Gene Mutations Affecting Apolipoprotein Gene Expression: Functions And Regulatory Behavior Of Known Genes May Guide Future Pharmacogenomic Approaches To Therapy. Clin Chem Lab Med. 41:411-424.