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    Past Members

    MSc Students


    09/2022-11/2023 Kyriaki-Niovi Rafailidou
    Graduate Program in Molecular Biology and Biomedicine jointly organised by IMBB-FORTH and the Departments of Biology and Medicine University of Crete
    09/2022-11/2023 Eirini-Areti Karapidaki
    Graduate Program in Molecular Biology and Biomedicine jointly organised by IMBB-FORTH and the Departments of Biology and Medicine University of Crete
    10/2021-03/2023 Themistoklis Archontidis
    Graduate Program in Molecular Biology and Biomedicine jointly organised by IMBB-FORTH and the Departments of Biology and Medicine University of Crete
    10/2021-03/2023 Maria Kalogeridi
    Graduate Program in Molecular Biology and Biomedicine jointly organised by IMBB-FORTH and the Departments of Biology and Medicine University of Crete
    09/2019-10/2021 Gentjan Kapaj
    Graduate Program in Molecular Biology and Biomedicine jointly organised by IMBB-FORTH and the Departments of Biology and Medicine University of Crete, Fondation Santé Fellow
    09/2019-10/2020 John Rallis
    Graduate Program in Molecular Biology and Biomedicine jointly organised by IMBB-FORTH and the Departments of Biology and Medicine University of Crete, Bodossaki Foundation Fellow

    Diploma Students

    10/2022-02/2024 Georgios Vlachos
    Department of Biology, University of Crete
    George is currently attending the Master’s Program in Molecular Biology at the University of Vienna, Austria
    03/2022-07/2023 Evangelia (Evelina) Papagrigoraki
    Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, University of Thessaly
    Evelina is currently attending the Master’s Program in Molecular Biology and Biomedicine jointly organised by IMBB-FORTH and the Departments of Biology and Medicine University of Crete
    10/2021-10/2022 Vassilios Flouris
    Department of Biology, University of Crete
    Vassilis is currently attending the Master’s Program in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology jointly organised by the University of Amsterdam and Vrije University, The Netherlands
    02/2021-10/2022 Ioannis Liaskas
    Department of Physics, University of Crete
    Ioannis is currently attending the Master’s Program in Bioinformatics jointly organised by the Medical School University of Crete and FORTH
    09/2020-07/2021 Georgia Chalkia
    Department of Biology, University of Crete
    Georgia is currently attending the Master’s Program in Biomedical Sciences at the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    02/2020-07/2021 Eirini Daskalaki
    Department of Molecular Biology & Genetics, Democritus University of Thrace
    Eirini is currently attending the Master’s Program in Cancer, Stem Cells and Developmental Biology at Utrecht University, The Netherlands
    02/2020-10/2020 Themistoklis  Archontidis
    Department of Biology, University of Crete
    Themis is currently attending the Master’s Program in Molecular Biology and Biomedicine jointly organised by IMBB-FORTH and the Departments of Biology and Medicine University of Crete

    Visiting Students

    04/2023-06/2023 Nektaria Kokolaki
    Department of Biology, University of Crete
    Nektaria is currently attending the Master’s Program in Plant Molecular and Applied Biology - Green Biotechnology organised by the Department of Biology, University of Crete
    07/2021-09/2021 Evangelia Papagrigoraki
    Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, University of Thessaly, Atlas Internship
    Evelina is currently finishing her Bachelor of Science degree at the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, University of Thessaly
    09/2020-07/2021 Myrto Ziogas
    Middlebury College, Vermont, USA
    Myrto is currently finishing her Bachelor of Arts degree at Middlebury College with a Major in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry

    Alumni from HHMI Janelia Research Campus (2013-2019)

    2009-2013 Dr. Matthew A. Benton
    PhD student (joint supervision with Prof. Michael Akam, Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom).
    Matt is currently a research fellow at Cambridge University.
    2012-2013 Benjamin Harich
    MSc student (joint supervision with Dr. Pavel Tomancak, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Germany).
    First prize for MSc thesis awarded by the Radboud University Medical Centre.
    Benny is currently a PhD candidate at the Schenck lab, Department of Human Genetics, Radboud University Medical Center, Netherlands
    2013-2018 Dr. Akanksha Jain
    PhD student (joint supervision with Dr. Pavel Tomancak, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Germany).
    Akanksha is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Treutlein lab, Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
    2014 Suyash Kumar
    HHMI Janelia undergraduate scholar
    Suyash is currently a software engineer at Google.
    2015 Andy Le
    HHMI Janelia undergraduate scholar
    Andy is currently an MD candidate at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta, Canada.
    2016 Frank Chen
    HHMI Janelia undergraduate scholar
    Frank is currently an MD candidate at Weill Cornell Medical College, Cornell University, USA.