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    Understanding our Microbial Planet,
    Metagenomics initiative, US National Academy of Sciences
    Power Unseen-How microbes rule the world Brock Biology of microorganisms
    Brock Biology of microorganisms
    Greek translation 2009 [pdf]
    A Mikrobiokosmos & Crete University Press joint effort
    Greek translation 2002
    Home @ CUP
    Greek translation 2005
    Home @ CUP
    Greek translation 2007
    Home @ CUP


    Course Title/Description Programme Homepage


    BIOL-201 Microbiology-Biology of unicellular organisms and viruses Biology (3d sem) and School of Sciences students, University of Crete Home
    BIOL-209 Methods in Microbiology and Biochemistry Biology students (3d sem), University of Crete Home
    BIO464/XHM498 Protein Structure and Function Biology (8th sem) and Chemistry students, University of Crete Home


      SwissPDB Viewer-an introduction
    Basic skills for the retrieval of protein 3D structure files (pdb) and analysis of protein structures
    Molecular Biology and Biomedicine & Protein Biotechnology, University of Crete Home
    BIO1502/BIO1403 Proteins in a cellular context Protein Biotechnology, University of Crete Home
    BIO1506/BIO1408 From proteins to molecular machines to proteomes-Protein-protein interactions Molecular Biology and Biomedicine &
    Protein Biotechnology, University of Crete
    Journal Club Criticall reading, analysis and presentation of research papers Protein Biotechnology, University of Crete Home
    M2/M4 Microbial proteins from cytoplasm to secretion Microbial Biotechnology, University of Athens Home