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2005 (66 papers)

Allen S, Balabanidou V, Sideris DP, Lisowsky T, Tokatlidis K. (2005) Erv1 mediates the Mia40-dependent protein import pathway and provides a functional link to the respiratory chain by shuttling electrons to cytochrome c. J Mol Biol. 353:937-944.

Alpantaki K, McLaughlin D, Karagogeos D, Hadjipavlou A, Kontakis G. (2005) Sympathetic and sensory neural elements in the tendon of the long head of the biceps. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 87:1580-1583.

Apostolakis S, Baritaki S, Krambovitis E, Spandidos DA. (2005) Distribution of HIV/AIDS protective SDF1, CCR5 and CCR2 gene variants within Cretan population. J Clin Virol. 34:310-314.

Arrighi RBG, Lycett G, Mahairaki V, Siden-Kiamos I, Louis C. (2005) Laminin and the malaria parasite's journey through the mosquito midgut. J Exp Biol. 208:2497-2502.

Artal-Sanz M, Tavernarakis N. (2005) Proteolytic mechanisms in necrotic cell death and neurodegeneration. FEBS Lett. 579: 3287-96

Baritaki S, Dittmar MT, Spandidos DA, Krambovitis E. (2005) In vitro inhibition of R5 HIV-1 infectivity by X4 V3-derived synthetic peptides. Int J Mol Med. 16:333-336.

Baud C, Papanikou E, Karamanou S, Sianidis G, Kuhn A, Economou A. (2005) Purification of a functional mature region from a SecA-dependent preprotein. Protein Exp Purif. 40:336-339.

Boulias K, Katrakili N, Bamberg K, Underhill P, Greenfield A, Talianidis I. (2005) Regulation of hepatic metabolic pathways by the orphan nuclear receptor SHP. EMBO J. 24:2624-2633.

Chalkiadaki A, Talianidis I. (2005) SUMO-dependent compartmentalization in promyelocytic leukemia protein nuclear bodies prevents the access of LRH-1 to chromatin. Mol Cell Biol. 25:5095-5105.

Danielli A, Barillas-Mury C, Kumar S, Kafatos FC, Loukeris TG. (2005) Overexpression and altered nucleocytoplasmic distribution of Anopheles ovalbumin-like SRPN10 serpins in Plasmodium- infected midgut cells. Cell Microbiol. 7:181-190.

Darby AC, Lagnel J, Matthew CZ, Bourtzis K, Maudlin I, Welburn SC. (2005) Extrachromosomal DNA of the symbiont Sodalis glossinidius. J Bacteriol. 187:5003-5007.

David JP, Strode C, Vontas J, Nikou D, Vaughan A, Pignatelli PM, Louis C, Hemingway J, Ranson H. (2005) The Anopheles gambiae Detoxification Chip : a new highly specific microarray to study metabolic based insecticide resistance in malaria vectors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 102: 4080-4084.

Denaxa M, Kyriakopoulou K, Theodorakis K, Trichas G, Vidaki M, Takeda Y, Watanabe K, Karagogeos D. (2005) The adhesion molecule TAG-1 is required for proper migration of the superficial migratory stream in the medulla but not of cortical interneurons. Dev Biol. 288:87-99.
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Troulinaki K, Tavernarakis N. (2005) Neurodegenerative Conditions Associated with Ageing: A Molecular Interplay? Mech Ageing Dev. 126:23-33.

Tzortzakakis EA, Adam MAM, Blok VC, Paraskevopoulos C, Bourtzis K. (2005) Occurrence of resistance-breaking populations of root-knot nematodes on tomato in Greece. Eur J Plant Pathol. 113:101-105.

Vergnolle MA, Sawney H, Junne T, Dolfini L, Tokatlidis K. (2005) A cryptic matrix targeting signal of the yeast ADP/ATP carrier normally inserted by the TIM22 complex is recognised by the TIM23 machinery. Biochem J. 385:173-180.

Vergnolle MA, Baud C, Golovanov AP, Alcock F, Luciano P, Lian LY, Tokatlidis K. (2005) Distinct domains of small Tims involved in subunit interaction and substrate recognition. J Mol Biol. 351:839-849.

Vlata Z, Porichis F, Tzanakakis G, Tsatsakis A, Krambovitis E. (2005) In vitro cytopathic effects of mycotoxin T-2 on human peripheral blood T lymphocytes. Toxicol Lett. 160:60-68.

Vontas J, Blass C, Koutsos AC, David JP, Kafatos FC, Louis C, Hemingway J, Christophides GK, Ranson H. (2005) Gene expression in insecticide resistant and susceptible Anopheles gambiae strains constitutively or after insecticide exposure. Insect Mol Biol. 14:509-521.

Vontas J, Siden-Kiamos I, Papagiannakis G, Karras M, Waters AP, Louis C. (2005) Gene expression in Plasmodium berghei during invasion in an Aedes- parasite co-culture in vitro. Mol Biochem Parasitol. 139:1-13.

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