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Kriton Kalantidis
Seminal findings in recent years have prompted a shift from the traditional view of RNA as an auxiliary nucleic acid to the centre of regulation of cellular and systemic processes. The discovery of RNA silencing pathways and their cognate small RNA species such as miRNAs and siRNAs had a major impact on the way we view cellular processes in modern biology. Our group is interested in RNA mediated phenomena both in gene regulation and as a defense mechanism against aberrant RNA. Although we ask questions mainly concerning plant systems the conservation of RNA silencing pathways across eucaryots has allowed us to engage in fruitful collaborations studying related phenomena is other models such as Drosophila and mammalian cell lines. It has now become clear that RNA silencing especially in plants, plays also an important role in antiviral defense. We are particularly interested in this RNA mediated pathway and its role in plants response to viral and viroid infections. Amongst our goals is the understanding of mechanisms of specific silencing phenomena including the effect of endogenous and exogenous factors on the efficiency of silencing and the defense to viruses and viroids. In addition, we are interested in potential applications of our findings.
Katsarou K, Mitta E, Bardani E, Oulas A, Dadami E, Kalantidis K. (2018) DCL-suppressed Nicotiana benthamiana plants: valuable tools in research and biotechnology. Mol Plant Pathol. doi: 10.1111/mpp.12761. [Epub ahead of print].
Katsarou K, Mavrothalassiti E, Dermauw W, Van Leeuwen T, Kalantidis K. (2016) Combined Activity of DCL2 and DCL3 is crucial in The Defense Against Potato Spindle Tuber Viroid. PLoS Pathog. 12:e1005936.
Mermiga R, Helm JM, Schumacher TH, Vlatakis I, Vamvaka E, Kalantidis K. (2016) The Plant Homologue of Enhanced RNAi 1 (ERI-1) is Involved in Chloroplast Development. Plant J. doi: 10.1111/tpj.13304. [Epub ahead of print].
Dadami E, Boutla A, Vrettos N, Tzortzakaki S, Karakasilioti I, Kalantidis K. (2013) RNA silencing pathways may have a positive effect on Potato spindle tuber viroid infectivity in Nicotiana benthamiana. Mol. Plant 6:232-234.
Kalantidis K, Schumacher TH, Alexiadis T, Helm MJ. (2008) RNA silencing movement in plants. Biology of the Cell 100: 13-26.
Recent peer-reviewed publications
Kryovrysanaki N, Alexiadis A, Grigoriadou AM, Katsarou K, Kalantidis K. (2018) SERRATE, a miRNA biogenesis factor, affects viroid infection in Nicotiana benthamiana and Nicotiana tabacum. Virology. 528:164-175.
Athanasakoglou A, Grypioti E, Michailidou S, Ignea C, Makris AM, Kalantidis K, Massé G, Argiriou A, Verret F, Kampranis SC. (2018) Isoprenoid biosynthesis in the diatom Haslea ostrearia New Phytol. Nov 5. doi: 10.1111/nph.15586. [Epub ahead of print]
Katsarou K, Mitta E, Bardani E, Oulas A, Dadami E, Kalantidis K. (2018) DCL-suppressed Nicotiana benthamiana plants: valuable tools in research and biotechnology. Mol Plant Pathol. Oct 21. doi: 10.1111/mpp.12761.
Alexiadis A. Delidakis Ch. Kalantidis K. (2017) The Drosophila Enhancer of RNAi (Eri1) homologue is involved in histonic mRNA processing. FEBS lett. Jul;591(14):2106-2120.
Cordero T, Cerdán L, Carbonell A, Katsarou K, Kalantidis K, Daròs JA. (2017) Dicer-Like 4 Is Involved in Restricting the Systemic Movement of Zucchini yellow mosaic virus in Nicotiana benthamiana. Mol Plant Microbe Interact. 30(1):63-71.
Katsarou K, Mavrothalassiti E, Dermauw W, Leeuwen T, Kalantidis K. (2016) Combined Activity of DCL2 and DCL3 Is Crucial in the Defense against Potato Spindle Tuber Viroid. PLoS Pathog. 12(10):e1005936.
Mermiga R., Helm JM, Schumacher TH, Vlatakis I., Vamvaka E, Kalantidis K. (2016) ERIL1, the plant homologue of ERI-1, is involved in the processing of chloroplastic rRNAs. Plant J. doi: 10.1111/tpj.13304. [Epub ahead of print].
Mermigka G, Verret F, Kalantidis K. (2016) RNA silencing movement in plants. Invited expert review. J Integr Plant Biol. 58(4):328-42.
Katsarou K, Wu Y, Zhang R, Bonar N, Morris J, Hedley PE, Bryan GJ, Kalantidis K, Hornyik C. (2016) Insight on genes affecting tuber development in potato upon Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) infection. PLoS One, 11(3): e0150711.
Rao AL, Kalantidis K. (2015) Virus-associated smalls atellite RNAs and viroids display similarities in their replication strategies. Invited Review. Virology 479/480: 627-636.
Katsarou K, Rao A.L.N, Tsagris M, Kalantidis K. (2015) Infectious long non-coding RNAs. Invited Review. Biochimie 17:37-47.
Chaturvedi S, Kalantidis K, Rao AL. (2014) A bromodomain-containing host protein mediates the nuclear importation of a satellite RNA of cucumber mosaic virus. J Virol. 88(4):1890-6.
Dadami E, Boutla A, Vrettos N, Tzortzakaki S, Karakasilioti I, Kalantidis K. (2013) DICER-LIKE 4 but not DICER-LIKE 2 may have a positive effect on potato spindle tuber viroid accumulation in Nicotiana benthamiana. Mol Plant. 6(1):232-4.
Oulas A, Karathanasis N, Louloupi A, Iliopoulos I, Kalantidis K, Poirazi P. (2012) A new microRNA target prediction tool identifies a novel interaction of a putative miRNA with CCND2. RNA Biol. 9(9):1196-207.
Sarris P, Gao S, Karademiris K, Jin H, Kalantidis K, Panopoulos N J. (2011) Phytobacterial Type III Effectors Enhance Plant Sense-Post Transcriptional Gene Silencing Independently of R Gene-Effector Recognition. Mol Plant Microbe Interact. 24(8):907-17.
Dalakouras A, Tzanopoulou M, Tsagris M, Wassenegger M, Kalantidis K. (2011) Hairpin transcription does not necessarily lead to efficient triggering of the RNAi pathway. Transgenic Research 20(2):293-304
Kotakis C, Vrettos N, Kotsis D, Tsagris M, Kotsabasis K, Kalantidis K. (2010) Light intensity affects RNA silencing in transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana plants . BMC Plant Biology 10:220.
Kataya A RA, Suliman MNS, Kalantidis K, Livieratos I C. (2009) Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus p25 is a suppressor of post-transcriptional gene silencing. Virus Research 145 (1), pp. 48-53.
Oulas A, Boutla A, Gkirtzou K, Reczko M, Kalantidis ?, and Poirazi P. (2009) Prediction of novel microRNA genes in cancer associated genomic regions a combined computational and experimental approach. NAR , 37(10):3276-87.
Tsagris EM, Martinez de Alba AE, Gozmanova M, Kalantidis K. (2008) Viroids. Cell Microbiol. 10(11):2168-79. Epub. Review.
Kalantidis K, Schumacher TH, Alexiadis T, Helm MJ. (2008) RNA silencing movement in plants. Biology of the Cell: 100 (1): 13-26 (Invited Review). Cover feature
Madesis P, Kalantidis K, Nianiou-Obeidat I, Chatzidimitriou K, Panopoulos N, Tsaftaris A. (2007) Expression of the yeast cpd1 gene in tobacco confers resistance to the fungal toxin cercosporin. Biomol. Engin., 2 : 245-251.
Kalantidis K, Denti M., Tzortzakaki S., Marinou E., Tabler M., and Tsagris M. (2007) Viroid binding protein 1 is necessary for the infection of potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd). JVI, 81(23): 12872-80.
(PubMed) (PDF)
Koscianska E., Baev V., Skreka K., Oikonomaki K., Rusinov V., Tabler M., and Kalantidis K. (2007) Prediction and preliminary validation of oncogene regulation by miRNAs. BMC Molecular Biology, 8:79
(PubMed) ( BMCmolBiol) (PDF)
Megraw M, , Baev V., Rusinov V, Jensen S., Kalantidis K, Hatzigeorgiou AG. (2006) MicroRNA Promoter Element Discovery in Arabidopsis . RNA, 16(12): 1612-9
(PubMed) (PDF)
Tournier B, Tabler M, Kalantidis K (2006) Phloem flow strongly influences the systemic spread of silencing in GFP Nicotiana benthamiana plants. Plant J. 2006 Jun 12; [Epub ahead of print]
(PubMed) (PDF)
Kalantidis K., Tsagris M, Tabler, M (2006) Spontaneous short-range silencing of a GFP transgene in Nicotiana benthamiana is possibly mediated by small quantities of siRNA that do not trigger systemic silencing. Plant J. 2006 Mar;45(6):1006-16
(PubMed) (PDF)
Koscianska E, Kalantidis K, Sadowski J and Tabler M, (2005) Analysis of RNA silencing in agro-infiltrated leaves of Nicotiana benthamiana and Nicotiana tabacum. Plant Molecular Biology, 59(4): 647-61
(PubMed) (PDF)
Rusinov V, Baev V, Minkov I and Tabler M. (2005) MicroInspector: a web tool for detection of miRNA binding sites in an RNA sequence. Nucleic Acids Research 2005, 33(Web Server issue):W696-W700.
(PubMed) (PDF)
Tabler, M. and Tsagris, M. (2004) Viroids: petite RNA pathogens with distinguished talents Trends in Plant Sciences, 9, 339-348.
Missiou, A., Kalantidis, K., Boutla, A., Tzortzakaki, S. Tabler, M. and Tsagris, M. (2004) Generation of transgenic potato plants highly resistant to potato virus Y (PVY) through RNA silencing. Molecular Breeding, 14, 185-187.
Denti, M.A., Boutla, A., Tsagris, M. and Tabler, M. (2004) Short interfering RNAs specific for potato spindle tuber viroid are found in the cytoplasm but not in the nucleus. The Plant Journal, 37, 762-769.
Boutla, A., Delidakis, C., Livadaras, I. and Tabler, M. (2003) Variations of the 3' protruding ends in synthetic short interfering RNA (siRNA) cassettes tested by micro-injection in Drosophila embryos. Oligonucleotides, 13, 295301.
Gozmanova, M., Denti, M.A., Minkov, I.N., Tsagris, M. and Tabler, M. (2003) Characterization of the RNA motif responsible for the specific interaction of potato spindle tuber viroid RNA (PSTVd) and the tomato protein Virp1. Nucleic Acids Research, 31, 5534-5543.
Boutla, A., Delidakis, C., and Tabler, M. (2003) Developmental defects by antisense-mediated inactivation of micro-RNAs 2 & 13 in Drosophila and the identification of putative target genes. Nucleic Acids Research, 31, 4973-4980.
Martinez de Alba, A.E., Sagesser, R., Tabler, M. and Tsagris, M. (2003) A bromodomain-containing protein from tomato specifically binds potato spindle tuber viroid RNA in vitro and in vivo. Journal of Virology, 77, 9685-9694.
Kosciolek, B.A., Kalantidis, K., Tabler, M. and Rowley, P.T. (2003) Inhibition of Telomerase Activity in Human Cancer Cells by RNA Interference Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, 2, 209-216.
Maniataki, E., Martinez de Alba, A.E., Sagesser, R., Tabler, M. and Tsagris, M. (2003) Viroid RNA systemic spread may depend on the interaction of a 71-nucleotide bulged hairpin with the host protein VirP1. RNA, 9, 346-354.
Boutla, A., Kalantidis, K., Tavernarakis, N., Tsagris, M. and Tabler, M. (2002) Induction of RNA interference in Caenorhabditis elegans by RNAs derived from plants exhibiting posttranscriptional gene silencing. Nucleic Acids Research, 30,1688-1694.
Kalantidis, K., Psaradakis, S., Tabler, M. and Tsagris, M. (2002) The occurrence of CMV-specific short RNAs in transgenic tobacco expressing virus-derived double-stranded RNA is indicative of resistance to the virus. Molecular Plant Microbe Interaction, 15:826-833.
Reviews and Book chapters
Helm JM, Dadami E, Kalantidis K. (2011) Local RNA silencing mediated by Agroinfiltration. In: RNAi and Plant Gene Function Analysis . Eds: H. Kodama and Komamine A . Methods in Molecular Biology; Series Ed: Walker J; Springer.
Καλαντίδης Κ. (2010) Ο ρόλος της RNA σίγησης στην ανάπτυξη των φυτών. Συλλογικός τόμος «ΑΝΑΠΤΥΞΙΑΚΗ ΜΟΡΙΑΚΗ ΒΙΟΛΟΓΙΑ ΦΥΤΩΝ», Επιμέλεια: Κ. Χαραλαμπίδης. Εκδόσεις ΕΜΒΡΥΟ, ΑΘΗΝΑ.
Kalantidis K, Schumacher TH, Alexiadis A, and Helm J. (2008) RNA Silencing Movement in Plants . Biol Cell . 100(1):13-26.
Tabler M, and Tsagris M (2004) Viroids: petite RNA pathogens with distinguished talents.Trends Plant Sci. ;9(7):339-48. Review.
Kalantidis K. Grafting the way towards systemic silencing (2004) Minireview, PLOS.
Tabler, M., Boutla, A., Kalantidis, K. and Tsagris, M. (2003) Short interfering and micro RNAs: tiny but mighty. in Non-coding RNAs' (eds. Barciszewski, J. and Erdmann, V.) Landes Bioscience, Georgetown , Texas USA , pp 117-128.