Daphne Bazopoulou
Our lab studies how early-in-life stressful events can manifest themselves and shape the health and aging of individuals using interdisciplinary approaches from molecular biology, physiology and engineering. We are particularly interested in the impact of early-in-life Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) as signalling molecules on a) C. elegans aging and age-related pathologies, and b) microbe-host interactions and C. elegans-host fitness. Our goal is to identify redox-regulated mechanisms, core cells, and time requirements and develop related interventions to promote health and longevity.
Oleson BJ, Bhattrai J, Zalubas SL, Kravchenko TR, Ji Y, Jiang EL, Lu CC, Madden CR, Coffman JG, Bazopoulou D, Jones JW, Jakob U. (2024) Early life changes in histone landscape protect against age-associated amyloid toxicities through HSF-1 dependent regulation of lipid metabolism. Nat Aging. 4:48-61.
Kim M, Knoefler D, Quarles E, Jakob U, Bazopoulou D. (2020) Automated phenotyping and lifespan assessment of a C. elegans model of Parkinson’s disease. Transl Med Aging. 4:38-44.
Bazopoulou D, Knoefler D, Zheng Y, Ulrich K, Oleson BJ, Xie L, Kim M, Kaufmann A, Lee YT, Dou Y, Chen Y, Quan S, Jakob U. (2019) Developmental ROS individualizes stress resistance and lifespan. Nature. 576:301-305.
Bazopoulou D, Chaudhury AR, Pantazis A, Chronis N. (2017) An automated compound screening for antiaging effects on the function of C. elegans sensory neurons. Sci Rep. 7:9403.
Dahl JU, Gray MJ, Bazopoulou D, Beaufay F, Lempart J, Koenigsknecht MJ, Wang Y, Baker JR, Hasler WL, Young VB, Sun D, Jakob U. (2017) The anti-inflammatory drug mesalamine targets bacterial polyphosphate accumulation. Nat Microbiol. 2:16267.
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